by Wee Ann » Sat Apr 23, 2016 2:13 am
I was a bit older than the previous posters, but obviously just as naive. We were going on a trip with the class, and were paying money in over a few weeks. Sixpence a week I think it was. The teacher said, "Ann you didn't bring your sixpence in today!" I went home and mentioned it to Mum, and she said, (as Mothers were wont do do) "Oh tell him he's had that!" I went back to school and passed this message on to the teacher. He just smiled and said "Oh is that right?" I went on the trip, but have no idea if the teacher ever got that last owing sixpence.
Roe/Rowe, Kane, Logue, Harkin, Commons, Gillan, Ireland.
McPherson, Richmond, Bowers, Laird, Russell, Cuthbertson, Scotland