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by Margaret » Wed May 10, 2006 10:43 am
Hello to all at TS
Could someone please tell me if there is somewhere I can find who attended Scotland Street School Glasgow in the early 1900. My Mother Margaret Miller lived in 248 Scotland Street in 1905 and I thought that maybe she and her siblings would have attended that school.
Many thanks

researching:: Morton, Miller, Finlay, McDonald, Bullock, Forrester. Glasgow and Kilmarnock areas
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- Location: Scotland
by LesleyB » Wed May 10, 2006 11:16 am
hi Margaret
The school is now a museum: ... venueid=12
Not sure if it was finished being built in 1905?
I'm not sure if the museum would be the best place to contact first - or maybe the Mitchell Library?
Scotland Street School
Address : 225 Scotland Street , Glasgow
Postcode : G5 8QB
Telephone : 0141 287 0500
Fax : 0141 287 0515
eMail :
Contact Name : Caroline Barr
best wishes
Midlothian & Fife - Goalen, Lawrie, Ewart, Nimmo, Jamieson, Dick, Ballingall.
Dunbartonshire- Mcnicol, Davy, Guy, McCunn, McKenzie.
Ayrshire- Lyon, Parker, Mitchell, Fraser.
Easter Ross- McCulloch, Smith, Ross, Duff, Rose.
- Posts: 84
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by Tom-W » Wed May 10, 2006 12:15 pm
You should definitely contact Archives in the Mitchell - they hold the following for Scotland Street:
Log books, 1906-1979; Admission registers, boys, 1906-1964, girls, 1906-1967.Shields Road School: Log books, 1883-1958; Admission registers, boys, 1883-1958, girls, 1883-1922, 1926-1958, mental and physical defectives, 1907-1933.
Archives and Special Collections
The Mitchell
North Street
G3 7DN
Phone: 0141 287 2910 or 2988
Fax: 0141 287 2815
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- Location: Scotland
by nelmit » Wed May 10, 2006 1:21 pm
Hello Margaret,
I would follow the advice of both Lesley and Tom as The Mitchell has registers and the School has a database of old photographs. You never know your luck - there may be one of your mum's class.
If I get the chance I'll nip in and have a look.
Kind regards,
Annette M
- Posts: 162
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- Location: Gold Coast Queensland
by Margaret » Mon May 22, 2006 9:41 am
Hello folks
Sorry for not replying but have been away looking after our wee grand daughter. Many thanks for your help, and I am sure I will find a day to spend visiting the school museum when I visit Glasgow in 2007. Thank you Annette for offering to have a look if you get the chance..the twins names were Margaret Forrester Bullock Miller and Andrewina Miller.
also Tom thanks for the ideas about the Mitchell, that to is one of the places I entend on visiting, I hope some kind cousin will take my hubby away golfing for a few days.

so I can get lots of research done as it will be my last visit to Scotland.
researching:: Morton, Miller, Finlay, McDonald, Bullock, Forrester. Glasgow and Kilmarnock areas
- Posts: 4002
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- Location: Scotland
by nelmit » Sat May 27, 2006 11:00 am
Hello Margaret,
There was no production at The Mitchell yesterday so I couldn't check the school register. I have the reference number though and will look next week.
I nipped quickly in and out of Scotland Street (you're not supposed to park there) where they have a wee display of reports, merits and photographs from your mum's era. Did she, by any chance, have a sister called Jeannie?
We'll know next week when I check the register if your mum attended the school.
Kind regards,
Annette M
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- Location: Gold Coast Queensland
by Margaret » Sat May 27, 2006 11:30 pm
Good morning Annette
Great to get your letter, yes she had a sister called Jeanie ( Janet) and one Bess (Elizabeth), Agnes (nan) and brother John the twins were the youngest in the family and were born in 1905. Many many thanks for your help
Best regards

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- Location: Scotland
by nelmit » Sun May 28, 2006 9:41 am
Margaret wrote:Good morning Annette
Great to get your letter, yes she had a sister called Jeanie ( Janet) and one Bess (Elizabeth), Agnes (nan) and brother John the twins were the youngest in the family and were born in 1905. Many many thanks for your help
Best regards

Hello again Margaret,
The reason I asked about Jeannie is there is an original merit report on display at Scotland Street for 1911, I think it was, for a Jeannie x x Miller. This girl had two middle initials that I did not take note of but will look again. Wouldn't it be lovely if she was you aunt!
I will get back to you with any info.
Kind regards,
Annette M
- Posts: 162
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- Location: Gold Coast Queensland
by Margaret » Sun May 28, 2006 11:20 pm
Hello Annette
Oh it would be wonderful, I know that one of her middle names was Galloway, not sure if she had two. Once again many thanks for the time you are spending looking for me, I cant wait to visit Glasgow next year and be able to see all these places for myself
Best regards

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by nelmit » Sat Jun 17, 2006 5:50 pm
Hello Margaret,
Managed in to The Mitchell today and looked at The Scotland Street School register:
Elizabeth F Miller dob 28.12.01
Margaret F Miller dob 18.3.05
Andrewina Miller dob 18.3.05 all with a father named John and living at 6 Pollok Street.
The twins were admitted to Infant class 4 and Elizabeth to Junior 2.
Date of admission was 3rd April 1911 and they had come from Cardonald.
They left 14.1.13 and went to Langside. I didn't have time to follow the trail but I'm sure you will enjoy doing that yourself when you visit.
Unfortunately the merit report was not one of the sisters but very interesting anyway.
There are lots of class photographs in the Scotland Street museum database so hopefully you may find a photograph too.
Do you have any photos of the twins when they were young? Probably a coincidence but there was a class of girls taken in 1911/12 and in the front row were two girls with same clothes and ribbons. Certainly looked like twins but then again I don't suppose they were the only ones.
If you would like me to try and get a copy let me know.
Kind regards,
Annette M