Richmond - Scotland to Saskatoon

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Post by prufrockster » Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:38 am


Yes it must be as I have a record of my Grandfather, Thomas Richmond, living at 7 Underwood Lane, Paisley. I was mistaken about him being a baker. His father was though. I thought James had emigrated to South Africa earlier than 1924 as I know that Thomas went there in 1920 and I thought it was for work (he was an entertainer) and to visit his older brother. I know Thomas intended to stay (emigrate) to South Africa, but he ended up coming to Australia for work and staying.

Thanks for that. I'll need to work out who he married.


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Post by prufrockster » Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:47 am

Trish - Also, yes - could I please have the info on the first visit. I would say he emigrated in 1921, then the 2nd departure is after a visit back home.
I just asked my mother and my Grandfather Thomas didn't visit his brother James in Cape Town until 1942. He, my grandmother and my mother were based in London at the time (during WWII). They were part of ENSA - the British Entertainment Corp. Somehow, Thomas managed to get leave during the war to go on holidays to South Africa to see James ! Drew

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Post Subject

Post by trish58 » Tue Oct 07, 2008 10:32 am

Hi Drew

Glad this was your James, the 1921 record below does not have any address on the manuscript or Christian names they are listed as Mr & Mrs Richmond, the clue was, this gent is also a "gents outfitter".

Name: Mr Richmond
Date of dept: 9 Apr 1921
Port of Dpt: Southampton
Passenger destination port: Cape, South Africa
Passenger Destination: Cape, South Africa
Date of birth: 1894 (Calculated from age)
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Gents Outfitter.

Ship: Walmer Castle
Official No: 114839
Masters Name: N R Neilson
Steamship line: The Unon-CastleMail Steamship Co Ltd.
Where Bound: South Africa
Square Feet 6312
Reg Tonnage 12546
Passengers on board 429.

On the manifest it states that South Africa is the country of their intended future residence.

I have not been able to trace any other record for William or his Daughters, which I find odd,I searched all records from 1913-1930, I also checked on, also the Canadian records from 1925-1935, not sure what happened.

searching. Rae, Kennedy, Agnew, McConnell, Singleton, Appleton, Feeney, Fury, & many more

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Post by prufrockster » Thu Oct 09, 2008 9:55 am

Thanks for that Trish. Drew

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Re: Richmond - Scotland to Saskatoon

Post by Teddy » Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:13 pm

Hi Drew
Hope you still visit this site as my husband is related to you. His grandfather was James Richmond who was married to Francis R Oliver,they had only one son William Gilmour Richmond ; my husbands father.
His great grandparents were William Richmond=baker, and Jeanie Galbraith Richmond.
I was as usual trying to locate relatives for my husband Edward Richmond as he and my son are the only Richmonds known to us.I am so happy to have found you, and would like to make contact if at all possible.We live in Cape Town South Africa, our mobile phone no is @@@@@ and land line $$$$$. Or let us have your land line no and I will contact you.
regards Ann Richmon
May we find many more Richmond family members .

I have edited out your phone details Anne and suggest you use the PM (Personal Message )system to contact Drew.
Click on the PM button on one of Drew's posts. If he is still using the same e-mail address it will reach him.

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Re: Richmond - Scotland to Saskatoon

Post by WilmaM » Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:41 pm

Teddy ,
Welcome to Talking Scot [scotland-flag] I do hope Drew does contact you.
However it's not a good idea to post your contact details on the site for all to see [and crawlers to latch on to].
I've asked an admin to edit your post, if you don't manange to do it yourself first.

It's much better to use the Private Message sysytem on the boards here, to contact other members privately:
blue PM button beneath the member's name.

If you do send Prufrockster a message, it will stay in your 'outbox' until they read it -
hopefully they have the same email address and will be notified of this post and a new message for them.

In the meantime enjoy reading our other posts and we are always happy to help with other geneology questions.

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Re: Richmond - Scotland to Saskatoon

Post by Russell » Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:03 pm

Thanks Wilma. We must have been typing at the same time :D

Working on: Oman, Brock, Miller/Millar, in Caithness.
Roan/Rowan, Hastings, Sharp, Lapraik in Ayr & Kirkcudbrightshire.
Johnston, Reside, Lyle all over the place !
McGilvray(spelt 26 different ways)
Watson, Morton, Anderson, Tawse, in Kilrenny

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Re: Richmond - Scotland to Saskatoon

Post by prufrockster » Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:53 am

Hi Ann,

I am excited by your post. I have sent you contact details via private response.

I look forward to corresponding.

Regards, Drew

Montrose Budie
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Re: Richmond - Scotland to Saskatoon

Post by Montrose Budie » Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:38 am

As there weems to have been lots of going and coming, don't ignore the UK incoming passenger lists, The National Archive records class BT26, accessible on Ancestry, covering 1878 - 1960.
