Alexander Honeyman - Illinois

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Alexander Honeyman - Illinois

Post by Morag » Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:42 pm

I think I have finally tracked down Alexander Honeyman !
He was born in Larbert in 1840 , and had disappeared after the 1861 census.
I have now found an Alexander Honneman/Hauneman of the right age in Chicago in 1880 and 1900. The 1900 entry says he arrived in USA in 1863. In 1880 he has a wife Mary with (I think) 'blank' for her place of birth and that of her parents , and 4 children - Robert,Jennie, William & Alexander - all born in Illinois.By 1900 he is living alone except for a housekeeper.His occupation is Melter in Foundry and when in Scotland all his family worked at Carron Ironworks , so I am fairly sure that it is the right person.
I have looked on Ancestry and can't find either his marriage, death or birth of his children, or even his arrival in the USA.
If anyone can offer any advice on this family I would love to hear it.
He also had 2 sisters who vanished from Scotland around the same time , so maybe they went with him.
They are Christian born 1842 , and Jane born 1845
Searching mainly Stirlingshire - Hastings,Nicol,Honeyman,Nisbet,Tough,Miller - among others

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Post by gzmcwherter » Thu Aug 13, 2009 10:37 pm


Ancestry has him in the 1888 Chicago Voter Registration:
Alex Honeyman
nativity - Scotland
in state 21 years
in precinct 7 years
naturalized - 1878 - County Court of Cook County
[1892 has him naturalized 1877]

Checked the Chicago directories, and he is first listed in 1868:
Honeyman, Alexander melter etc.

Went back to Ancestry & checked Immigration around that time frame & found him as:
Alexr Honegman, arr. 3 Jul 1866, born abt 1840, from Liverpool, England, American[?],ship City of Dublin


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Post by SarahND » Fri Aug 14, 2009 2:44 am

Hi Morag,

In 1910 son William is still in Chicago, but Robert has gone to Charleston, Kitsap county, Washington State. Both of them say their father was born in Scotland and their mother in Ireland, so that is presumably where Mary was from.

I don't see Alex's death at the Illinois death record site:

But Mary is there, she died 19 Dec 1897.


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Post by Morag » Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:38 pm

Hi Sarah & Gina

Thank you for your replies.

When I was looking for Mary's death in 1897 , I also found Alexander's in 1903 , and son Alexander in 1903 ! - so thank you.

Following advice given in another thread , I will check the naturalizations and see what comes up - would it give any further personal details ?

I still don't have anything to firmly connect them to my lot , but am still sure this is them - if only they had given the children middle names !

Anyway thanks again
Searching mainly Stirlingshire - Hastings,Nicol,Honeyman,Nisbet,Tough,Miller - among others

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Re: Alexander Honeyman - Illinois

Post by DebbieB » Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:07 am

In trolling about a cemetery near Chicago, I found a marker for Alexander and Minna Honeyman. Being a beekeeper, I was intrigued! At first I thought they were husband and wife, but searching the 1900 census, I found them (as Haunemans) living in the same household, but he was listed as 'widowed' and she, 'single'. Further research led me to this page. Are Alexander and Minna brother and sister?

I've made Find A Grave pages for them, so you can see a photo of the marker here: ... d=73490788

If any of you can supply more Information, it would be appreciated. I will do more delving, into Mary Honeyman--I see that there is a person of that name who died 19 Dec 1896, at age 60, buried in the same cemetery.

Debbie B.

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Re: Alexander Honeyman - Illinois

Post by Russell » Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:48 am

Hi Debbie and welcome to [talkingscot]

Delighted that your intrigues and fascinations have brought you to our pages.
What a fascinating set of circumstances - apiary to Memorial inscriptions to downright curiosity. The latter being a complaint all our members seem to suffer from. It was a kind thought to post on findagrave.
Hope that a link can be made :) Then I would add serendipity to my list.

Working on: Oman, Brock, Miller/Millar, in Caithness.
Roan/Rowan, Hastings, Sharp, Lapraik in Ayr & Kirkcudbrightshire.
Johnston, Reside, Lyle all over the place !
McGilvray(spelt 26 different ways)
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Re: Alexander Honeyman - Illinois

Post by Morag » Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:18 am

Hi Debbie

Thank you so much for posting the photo of the grave of Alexander Honeyman.His sister was my GGGrandmother, so in my book he is a fairly close relative ! To my knowledge , the rest of brothers and sisters remained in Scotland.I had previously assumed that Minna was his housekeeper , but the fact that they share a grave would indicate otherwise.One of the problems I found was that there was another Honeyman/Haunemann family living in Chicago at the same time whose origins were in Germany - which explains the alternative spellings on the various census returns.
His wife Mary died in 1896 - that will be the other grave you found. She was born in either Scotland or Ireland ( according to the children's census ).They had 4 children - Robert (b 1870), Jennie (b 1872), William (b 1876), Alexander (b 1878, d 1902). All children were born in Illinois.
I have a fair amount of info about his family in Scotland if you are interested - but nothing more than this on Alexander, and nothing on his children. Son Robert appeared to have moved to Washington State, whilst I think William remained in Chicago. There were 2 William Honeymans of a similar age - one being from the German family, and to be honest I haven't fully investigated that. I assume that daughter Jennie married , but can find no trace of that - although to confuse the issue there is a Jennie Honeyman married to a William in Chicago in future censuses !

Thanks again
Searching mainly Stirlingshire - Hastings,Nicol,Honeyman,Nisbet,Tough,Miller - among others

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Re: Alexander Honeyman - Illinois

Post by DebbieB » Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:22 am

Hi, Russell and Morag,
Thanks for your nice responses! :wink: I think I've found all I can (right now) on the A. Honeyman family in Chicago, and it looks like the Honeyman name came to an end with William's sons. It is possible Robert John had children but he was only 22 when he died. The other males all seemed to be single. The two girls, Jenny (Janet Naegels, who lived and died in the Seattle area), and William's daughter, Louise, might have had children.
Let me know if you find anything else I can add to my Find-A-Grave pages, or if I've made errors.
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Re: Alexander Honeyman - Illinois

Post by Morag » Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:31 pm

Thank you for all your work Debbie.
The picture of the gravestone with the mention of Mary dying in1895 gives me more to work on as Mary , wife of Alexander I previously had dying in 1897. As I said there were 2 William Honeymans born 1876 living in Chicago around the same time - but this one lists has the correct places of birth for his parents (mostly) so I think I can claim his as mine.
It is a shame that this branch of the family have come to an end. Alexander Honeyman & Janet McGrouther had 8 children , 3 of them sons - 1 died in childhood, 1 never married and the other was Alexander who moved to Chicago.
Thank you again
Searching mainly Stirlingshire - Hastings,Nicol,Honeyman,Nisbet,Tough,Miller - among others

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Re: Alexander Honeyman - Illinois

Post by paddyscar » Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:43 pm

Don't know if this Sept. 19th session is near anyone interested in Honeyman, but even if you are not able to attend personally, you may be able to obtain session info or it might be worthwhile seeing if there is remote access.
viewtopic.php?f=0&t=6240&p=128345&hilit ... an#p128345

John Kelly (b 22 Sep 1897) eldest child of John Kelly & Christina Lipsett Kelly of Glasgow