Alexander George, rancher/horse trader South Dakota.

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Re: Alexander George, rancher/horse trader South Dakota.

Post by doddie » Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:11 am

To Maggie, Frances, Carol, AndrewP, Sarah and Alan (hope I haven't left anybody out), what can I say? Absolurely gobsmacked at getting so much feedback, and so quickly. I really cannot thank you all enough. I am on my dinner break just now (working nights) so will take some time later on to read over the information in more detail. It seems you have all managed to do your bit to find Alexander George and that means I can keep my research going. Thank you agian.



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Re: Alexander George, rancher/horse trader South Dakota.

Post by Moray_Lass » Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:13 am

If Sarah has the right family Dad is on Libindx as NM063444, and death of a 10month Alexander S in c1887 (curious) NM063465, Alexander John George on NM267043, mother also has an entry, so possible others in the family. That should get you started in Scotland :D

Parental -
Moray, Bellie/Boharm:- Symon, Thomson, Davidson, Gordon, Laing, Dick, Thom, Geddes.
Banffshire, Rothiemay:- Lobban, Symon
Maternal -
'Finechty Flett's'
Banffshire:- Flett, Taylor, Wood, Lorimer, Falconer

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Re: Alexander George, rancher/horse trader South Dakota.

Post by doddie » Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:55 pm

I am pretty sure that Alexander Stuthers George is the father of the Alec George I am researching. Just one more thing. In the 1881 census a 472 acre farm is listed as some of the George family property for which they had numerous employees. Given that their actual residential property seemed to be in the town of Keith itself, does anybody know how I might go about finding where their farm property was located and if it had a name. This information would greatly help me with ny inquiries. Surely a farm that size would have been noted somewhere at the time.



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Re: Alexander George, rancher/horse trader South Dakota.

Post by speleobat2 » Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:21 pm


Do you have a family tree on There is one for an Alexander John George who is the same as the one Sarah has posted above--parents Alexander Struthers George and Mary Anne Christall and lots of children!

One intriguing thing is that Alex John's father is shown as Sheriff Alexander Struthers George of Haughs and Earlsmount, Keith, Banffshire.

Alexander John is shown as a US Government Agent, N & S Dakota.

Who ever did this tree also did the DNA bit!

Carol :D
Looking for: Clerihew, Longmuir/Longmore, Chalmers, Milne, Barclay in Newhills,
Munro, Cadenhead, Raitt, Ririe/Reary

Leslie George
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Re: Alexander George, rancher/horse trader South Dakota.

Post by Leslie George » Mon May 09, 2011 3:25 am

Doddie-- Just by coincidence I was looking up my paternal grandfather!.... Alexander [Alec] Richard George, born in South Dakota , his family, was from Keith, Scotland.

Not sure, but you may already know the following....

My father, Richard Bennett George [b. Jan 28, 1923 in Des Moines , IA] , was the only child of Alexander R. George [his mother was Louise Bennett Weaver George, of Des Moines, IA] .

I have a little information re my Grandfather. He was a Journalist and worked for The Des Moines Register in the teens & 1920s, he was the Night Editor. He then moved his family to Washington, DC. in 1928, where he was an Associated Press writer, and had a nationally syndicated column, covering Washington Politics, and Congressional News.
I'd be happy to share what little info I have about the George family.
California, USA
Last edited by Leslie George on Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Email addresses.

Post by Alan SHARP » Mon May 09, 2011 7:43 am

Greetings Leslie.

Just a note. It is recommended that you do not publish your email account address in full. You can replace the @ with AT so that you get less SPAM from the automatic readers.

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Re: Alexander George, rancher/horse trader South Dakota.

Post by Lizzie » Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:00 pm

In reply to a topic last year re. Alexander Sruthers George. Several years ago I found my ggrandfather William George was a member of this family whom I found well documented in "Burkes Peerage". During the years I have been in contact with the present owners of the farm in Keith which is now a charming Hotel. Richard Bennett George of California was a frequent guest there. Richard (Dick) then found another family member who in turn contacted myself.

If rhere is any other family member who is interested in this large family I would very happy to here from them.


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Re: Alexander George, rancher/horse trader South Dakota.

Post by Lizzie » Tue Aug 16, 2011 1:37 am

Leslie, I sent you a PM as soon as I read this and to date have not heard nothing from you? I know of Richard Bennet George born 1923 from the pesent owner of the Hough Farm in Keith. Richard, (Dick) was a was a frequent guest at the now "Houghs Guest House" as it is now. After ten years of searching, another family member contacted me though Dick. His occupation was in the FBI.

Please read the PM I sent with my email address.

Best Regards,

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Re: Alexander George, rancher/horse trader South Dakota.

Post by SarahND » Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:38 am

Hello Lizzie,
I see that Leslie has not visited the forum since last June. It's recent enough though to hope that she still has the same email address and will have received notification of your PM. Perhaps she is just on holiday...

Best wishes,

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Re: Alexander George, rancher/horse trader South Dakota.

Post by Lizzie » Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:08 am

Thank you Sarah and yes indeed I do so hope she does contact me I have so much to tell her.

Best regards