Passenger lists to and from Canada

Canada, USA, Mexico, Central America, South America, Carribean

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Passenger lists to and from Canada

Post by tazzy » Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:57 pm

Can anyone help in looking up a passenger list to Canada for Alexander Muirhead born on 19th Oct 1884 in Cambusnethan, Wishaw.
He went to work in a place called Medicine Hat so think it could have been Montreal he sailed to and he would have returned before 1915 as that's when he married my Grandmother.
He was a joiner to trade.

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Re: Passenger lists to and from Canada

Post by Anne H » Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:48 pm

Hi Tazzy! [TS_welcome]

I had a look on Find My Past passenger lists and although there are a couple of Alex. Muirhead's listed, there is not enough information on these lists to let you know one way or the other if it could be the person you're looking for. Sorry.

Perhaps someone else will come up with something.

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Re: Passenger lists to and from Canada

Post by SarahND » Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:06 am

Hello tazzy,
In the 1911 census in Medicine Hat, Alberta he says he came to Canada in 1910, so that narrows things down a bit. There is only one likely looking arrival in that year, on the ship Numidian arriving Halifax, Nova Scotia from Glasgow on 18 April 1910. At that point he said he was going to Toronto, but he must have changed his mind and gone (nearly) all the way west.

By the way, his name is indexed incorrectly each time, although it looks like Muirhead to me on the originals. The census is indexed as Moreshead and the passenger list as Moorhead.

I'm not seeing his return to Scotland, but maybe just need to look harder...

All the best,

Later: Looks as though he took a jaunt into the U.S. entering Vermont in August 1910. It said he was in transit to his final destination Canada, so maybe was just taking what may have been an easier way at that time from Halifax to Toronto.

Later, in 1920, he is found sailing from Victoria, BC to Seattle, destination Alderwood Manor, Washington. His wife Beatrice remained in Victoria.

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Re: Passenger lists to and from Canada

Post by tazzy » Mon Apr 23, 2012 8:41 pm

Not my Grandfather if he went to the USA or in 1920 in Canada. He married my Grandmother in 1915 in Lanarkshire and never left Scotland after that date but many thanks anyway

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Re: Passenger lists to and from Canada

Post by paddyscar » Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:44 pm

Hi Tazzy:

This site shows different info from Ancestry ... p?id=13115

You are able to view the original record and also download it at no cost on the above site.

Medicine Hat, Alberta
Muirhead, Alexander

434 Main St., Male, Lodger, Single, Birth Oct. 1884, Age 26,

Born - Scotland, Year of immigration 1910, Racial Origin - Scotch, Nationality - Canadian (Canada was part of the British Empire, so he would not have been considered foreign, and would have been a naturalized citizen)

Religion Presbyterian, Occupation - Carpenter, Where employed - house building.

Also, he was doing quite well, when you compare his earnings for 24 weeks in the previous year to those who worked 52 weeks. That would also be impacted by the fact that he arrived in Canada part way through 1910.

Also, you may find something on his immigration records ... dex-e.html I wasn't able to find the record on a quick look.

John Kelly (b 22 Sep 1897) eldest child of John Kelly & Christina Lipsett Kelly of Glasgow