BC, Canada - localities

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BC, Canada - localities

Post by trish1 » Sun Oct 28, 2012 1:27 pm

I have been following a family that went from England/Australia back to England & then one branch went to Canada - somewhat later in life. On family search and Ancestry, I found a death record for one family member in 1976. Family search gives the death place as Sidney, BC while ancestry gives North Saanich, BC - Google tells me these locations are very close together - would it be similar to registration districts - where one is the actual locality, the other the district - both records give the same source for the information, both are transcriptions not images.

A related query - in 1950 the couple arrived by ship into Quebec from Liverpool. How would they have traveled to British Columbia from Quebec?



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Re: BC, Canada - localities

Post by jfremont » Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:40 am

You are correct. Sidney is a village in the northern geographical area of Saanich (a peninisula north of Victoria). There is a new site that B.C. Archives has put up that will eventually have scanned copies of all ,the released to the public, B.C. BMDs. See http://search-collections.royalbcmuseum ... asicSearch There are quite a few available now and you may find what you are looking for. If not PM me the names and dates and I can get a copy of the original record from the library.

In 1950 I think it is probable the couple travelled from Quebec to B.C. by train. Air travel would have been possible but I would think the majority of travel then was by rail.


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Re: BC, Canada - localities

Post by trish1 » Mon Oct 29, 2012 3:56 am

Hello John

Thank you so much for the information - I have found that family search and ancestry have transcripts of some of the BC records but neither had the images. I have now the image for lady I found who died in 1976 and she died in hospital in Sidney - while her residence is an address in Saanich - so everyone transcribes something differently.

What is even better with your link is I had been unable to find her husband but this index finds he died in 1989 - aged 96. The image is not yet available. For some reason I couldn't find them in the basic search you linked, but they did appear in the "Genealogy Keyword/Boolean Search" on the same link - probably my error - the name was Woodeson (both born in 1890s)

I have also found another family member that I have been looking for the past 3 years - together with image - so thank you for the information & the wonderful link. This one was a Violet Warr, who went there c. 1905 - a single lady aged c. 36 - so now to find out who suggested/encouraged her to leave her family in Australia & head out to Canada. The informant was her niece but the latter didn't go to BC until after WWII.


(PS I had thought train - would have been quite a trip).

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Re: BC, Canada - localities

Post by carolineasb » Tue Oct 30, 2012 12:48 am

Sorry to jump into this thread. That's a great link, John. I was so hoping it would help me with a death in Richmond in 1965 as I have Registration No, and BCA Film No etc but they can't have got to that year in Richmond yet as it doesn't bring up anything :( .

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Re: BC, Canada - localities

Post by jfremont » Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:59 am

It appears B.C. Archives are moving along fairly quickly but how long until the rest are available is anyone's guess.

As I mentioned I can obtain a copy of the records at the local library, so if you post or p.m. the details I will get it on my next visit. Unfortunately, I believe the library only has deaths up to and including 1988.


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Re: BC, Canada - localities

Post by trish1 » Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:43 am

Hi John - after I replied I read some more information - and although the index contains deaths past 1988 - images for the later years have not been released - which is no doubt why the library has nothing later. Thank you again - my only wish would be that they take the marriages a little more forward. One of the deaths gave me the married name of a relative - which was a bonus - but no other information.


Caroline - try your search again at this link http://search-collections.royalbcmuseum ... dGenealogy - I couldn't get the actual name search to work - but this one returned the names - and where existing (all except the 1989 death) image links.

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Re: BC, Canada - localities

Post by carolineasb » Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:22 am

Hi Trish,

The site seems to have images for deaths for other areas for this year but not Richmond. I tried the name and then with wild cards but nothing came up and then I tried the Numbers as I had them and still nothing came up. I originally got the "bones" of the information from the Family Search site but they were confirmed by others on this site (and I'm very grateful for this).

I'm just slowly getting back to this after a wee break as my Mum passed away in the Summer. I really should have done more before she passed as it's her paternal family I am chasing!

Hi John, I would be most grateful if you could manage to get the info on my person (James Mulgrew/Milgrew) from the Library. I take it the Library has all the documents still to go on-line but at no charge? I'll send you a PM.

Many thanks again folks,


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Re: BC, Canada - localities

Post by Bethan » Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:55 pm

Sorry to jump in on the post, but just wanted to thank you very much, John. Found lots of family members.

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Re: BC, Canada - localities

Post by trish1 » Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:17 pm

jfremont wrote:
In 1950 I think it is probable the couple travelled from Quebec to B.C. by train. Air travel would have been possible but I would think the majority of travel then was by rail.

From the amazing Alan - Currie - they went by car

http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=Q8 ... dler&hl=en


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Re: BC, Canada - localities

Post by SarahND » Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:44 pm

What a beautiful road trip! Don't you think you should do a re-enactment, Trish? Possibly not in winter, though...

Best wishes,