Edward & Fanny Kilpatrick - Home Children

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Fiona C
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Edward & Fanny Kilpatrick - Home Children

Post by Fiona C » Wed Oct 31, 2012 2:38 pm

I notice that lots of you are asking for queries to solve so I wondered if anyone could help me with some questions I have about a particular branch of the family, who have been really fascinating to research. Sorry if I bombard you with info...
I have an Irish line, through my grandmother, and have managed to find out quite a bit of info about them. However, I keep unearthing new facts (and people), which is great, but confusing! The family are as follows:

John Kilpatrick married Margaret Barr in Ireland (Co Tyrone I think) and had at least 2 children (that I know of) - James (b. around 1850) - my GGrandfather & Elizabeth (b. around 1859), married Thomas Wallace in 1871 in Ireland, moved to Glasgow by 1878 & they emigrated to South Africa around 1879.

Margaret died & John married Anne Jane Long in 1861 (still in Ireland) and they had at least 5 children as follows:

1. Rebecca b.1864 (Ireland) - married William McGuff 1884 (Glasgow) & they emigrated to USA 1892 (New York). I have them on all the US censuses. They seem to have frequently travelled back and forth to Glasgow.
2. Margaret b. 1865 (Ireland) - emigrated to USA & died in Philadelphia, unmarried, in 1914. Can't find her on any censuses but have her death cert. registered by sister, Fanny.
3. John b. 1870 (Ireland) - joined Cameron Highlanders 1892 (Fort George), married 1898 (Scotland), emigrated to Philadelphia 1910 but returned in 1914 after death of wife. Re-joined army for WW1. Re-married & died in Scotland in 1947
4. Edward b. 1874 (Ireland) - sent to Canada as a 'Home Child' with the Annie McPherson Homes in 1888 from Ireland. Moved to USA by 1897 and is shown living with one or other of his sisters in US Censuses.
5. Frances (Fanny) b.1875 (Ireland) - also sent with Edward as a 'Home Child' to Canada in 1888. In USA in 1897 as she married John McGuff (brother of William, Rebecca's husband) in New York. They moved to Philadelphia and are shown there on all US censuses from 1900. She died in 1950.

Anne Jane died in 1876 & John moved to Glasgow with oldest son, James and is shown living with him in Partick in 1891 but not in 1901. I have a letter written by Elizabeth in South Africa to her brother James in 1908, obviously in reply to one he had sent, commenting on the fact that "Father must be a marvel going about at his age and must be near 100" (!!). My first query is when did John die? I have searched and searched both on Scotland's People site and at the centre but cannot find James's death or find him on the 1901 census.

My second query is about Fanny & Edward, the Home Children. I wrote to Barnardos, who have records of the Annie McPherson Homes, for more info. They wouldn't tell me much as I am not their direct descendant - mostly it was info I already had. However, they mentioned that the children were 'restored to their uncle, Frank Kilpatrick in Philadelphia'. Frank was a completely new name to me and I have not been able to trace him either on US censuses or passenger lists. I'm assuming he was John's brother but don't know for sure. Any pointers would be gratefully received. I was also trying to find when Fanny & Edward went to the USA from Canada but again can't find them. I have Fanny & John McGuff's marriage in 1897 though, so know it was before that. I thought that if I could find them either in Canada or crossing to US I might find a mention of Frank.

I have been trawing all sorts of websites re Home Children, which are fascinating to read. It was quite a shock to think that the two youngest children were sent off like that, when they still had a father and several older brothers & sisters. However I know many people did this due to poverty and the wish to improve their children's lives. It was reassuring to see that all of the children from the second family eventually met up.
I would really like to find out what happened to Edward & Fanny when they were in Canada and how they were reunited with Uncle Frank! Has anyone any ideas of how I might locate them?

Sorry to post such a long query! Hope someone can help as I have been re-visiting this over and over and am getting no further.
Many thanks

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Re: Edward & Fanny Kilpatrick - Home Children

Post by paddyscar » Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:09 am

Hi Fiona:

http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/gene ... 908-e.html

Immigration record

Given Name: Edward
Age: 14
Sex: M
Ship: Parisian
Year of Arrival: 1888
Departure Port: Liverpool
Departure Date: 1888-07-12
Arrival Port: Quebec
Arrival Date: 1888-07-21
Party: Annie Macpherson Homes
Destination: Stratford, Ontario
Comments: Part of Miss Macpherson's Party from Liverpool for Stratford, Ont. Some names appear duplicated on Londonderry Passenger Manifests.
Source: Library and Archives Canada
Reference: RG 76 C1a
Microfilm: C-4536
Type of Record: Passenger Lists

Given Name: Fanny
Age: 13
Sex: F
All information relating to Fanny same as that given for Edward

More information about Annie McPherson Homes may be available from Stratford Public Library http://www.stratford.library.on.ca/reference.htm
For information regarding Canada to U.S. land crossings see:
http://www.archives.gov/publications/pr ... rds-1.html

Hope this is of some help.

John Kelly (b 22 Sep 1897) eldest child of John Kelly & Christina Lipsett Kelly of Glasgow

Fiona C
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Re: Edward & Fanny Kilpatrick - Home Children

Post by Fiona C » Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:25 am

Hi Frances

Thanks for your reply. I have the crossings on the Parisian but the info about the border crossings was interesting. I have some general info about the Annie McPherson Homes (there's quite a lot on the internet) but will try contacting Stratford Library to see if they can point me towards any actual records.

I have quite a lot of info about Edward and Fanny and their siblings, but am keen to try and fill in this part of their lives between their birth in Ireland and living in the United States. I would also like to find out more about 'Uncle Frank' but don't lnow where to start with him - there are loads of Frank Kilpatrick's in Philadelphia at that time!

I am also still searching for their father, John's death (I think I said James in my original message). I don't understand why he should be so elusive to find.

Thanks for your help. I've been re-visiting some of my brick walls whilst I have been stuck at home with a broken foot!

Best wishes


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Re: Edward & Fanny Kilpatrick - Home Children

Post by SarahND » Thu Nov 08, 2012 1:01 pm

Hello Fiona,
Hope the foot is mending quickly! Have you looked for John's death back in Ireland? There is a death of a John Kilpatrick age 100 in Donegal in 1908, for instance. As you know, there are many John Kilpatricks about! But perhaps that is what was meant by "going about at his age" -- he was traveling back and forth to Ireland. Well, it's a guess anyway. I assume you have searched for him in Ireland in 1901 also.

All the best,

Fiona C
Posts: 24
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Re: Edward & Fanny Kilpatrick - Home Children

Post by Fiona C » Fri Nov 16, 2012 6:56 pm

Hello Sarah

Sorry I've not replied sooner, but back at work now as the foot is mended, thank goodness! Thanks for your suggestions. I have searched for John in the 1901 Irish census but can't see anyone who looks like they might be him. I have also had a quick look for his death there but not found anything conclusive. I wouldn't have thought it would be very likely he went back to Ireland though. All his family had left and were either in Scotland or abroad. I think he is going to be one of those elusive ancestors who just seems to vanish!

I have been following up Fanny and Edward and have now discovered that they were put into an orphanage called The Bird's Nest in Dublin, before being transferred to the Annie McPherson homes to go to Canada. I have written to the trustees of the home to see if there is any information still held about them that they would be able to pass on to me. I'm possibly clutching at straws but am just keen to fill in this missing part of their lives.

Thanks again for your suggestions,
