Russian Jews

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Re: Russian Jews

Post by momat » Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:03 am

Sending you a private email.

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Re: Russian Jews

Post by trish1 » Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:39 am

I don't know anyone by the name of Sigall and you know of the NSW BDMs. I found on the National library newspaper site a death notice for Samuel and also mention of his will. - I searched for Sigall from 1930 onwards. The Sydney paper is available to 1954.

Death notice - SIGALL-October 17 1939 Samuel beloved husband of Elizabeth and dear father of Rae and Ben aged 65 years New Zealand papers please copy
Will - 6 Nov 1939 probate to his wife.

You should be able to get a copy of the will from the NSW archives. - search for - Sigall death - my direct link to the item doesn't want to work

There are newspaper death records for Louis and Myra on the ryerson index - the full death notice may contain information on any children

I'm assuming you have checked electoral rolls, cemeteries, white pages in NSW - if you need information on these or similar do let me know.


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Re: Russian Jews

Post by Shonastaffie » Mon Apr 02, 2012 5:54 pm

Hi Trish. Thanks so much. Yes, I've searched the papers and I have found samuel Sigalls death recorded in marrickville. I'm waiting on a copy of the certificate which may contain vital info. I don't know which cemetery he was buried in. I've searched Rookwood but to no avail. I found a Rachel Sigall married to a James William entwisle 1939. Assuming its Samuels daughter the electoral roles put them in :
Broad beach, Coolngatta - cafe owners at 2787 gold coast highway,
Richmond Tweed and
McArthur over the years.
I can't view these records - someone told me about the entries - so I can't seeif there are children recorded on the census'.
The death notice, 1973 at Tweeds Head, of Samuels wife, Elizabeth,(she remarried a man called Peter Solomon) states that there were grand children I don't think Louis and Myra had kids so the must be Entwisle children.
I'd love to know their names and surely they will have offspring who are still living.
I cannot find a death cert for Rachel entwisle (nee Sigall).
I also think that Myras death notice in the paper mentioned "niece and nephews".

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Re: Russian Jews

Post by trish1 » Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:27 pm

Hi Shona

The death certificate will tell you whether Samuel had any children & probably their ages - also details of his birth & parents - immigration - providing the informant knew this information - as it was probably his wife or son most likely. Have you checked the Qld death index for Rachel? - although it only has deaths available until 1964 - so may be too early. The electoral rolls aren't like census records, all they contain is name address and occupation - but if any children are living with them - after turning 21 (or 18 post 1970s) they would be at the same address.

A quick look at the electoral roll finds James William & Rae in Berry NSW 1949 & on the Tweed in 1980 (not sure why I didn't find them in between!) - One other Entwistle couple at a different address on the Tweed in 1980. Could be worth checking the white pages.

I'm out until later today - will check a few other this evening.


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Re: Russian Jews

Post by Currie » Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:56 pm

There appears to be only 23 Entwisle telephone numbers in Australia. ... &location=

(For post 1955 SMH newspaper notices see this thread - ... sw.general )


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Re: Russian Jews

Post by Alan SHARP » Tue Apr 03, 2012 10:03 pm


NZ White pages only has two hits for the surname Entwisle. Both hits appear to do with one furniture business. Therefore possibly has some connection to a guy I went to school with, for a couple of years. Now with so many telephone providers the white pages are not as good a research tool as in the past.


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Re: Russian Jews

Post by Shonastaffie » Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:26 am

Hi currie, Alan and trish. Thanks for all the leads. I do appreciate it. Seems like finding living people can be more difficult than discovering those from the past. Samuel Sigalls death cert should arrive here in Scotland soon. Good to know that it may have all that info - trish. It should confirm things for me. The Entwisle link is interesting. The Tweed seems to be the region as far as I can determine. They may, of course, have moved.

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Re: Russian Jews

Post by trish1 » Thu Apr 05, 2012 5:59 am

Hi Shona - sorry I haven't got to search a little more. I will get back to it.

You are right that it is often easier to find folks past - often related to privacy rules that disallow access to some primary records. Other than "just luck" by finding a relative online (or the relative finding you) - I have found newspaper death/funeral notices are often the best source to trace forward. They often give women's married names and locations. I recently traced some US cousins via a death notice - where the children mentioned were found in the current telephone directories. I also found cousins in Australia because they are still living in the house their grandfather lived in in 1920. I'm still looking for one in Scotland, but not quite there yet.


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Re: Russian Jews

Post by Shonastaffie » Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:15 pm

Hi Trishaws
If I can be of any help re your Scottish search, please just ask.

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Re: Russian Jews

Post by Shonastaffie » Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:29 pm

Now I am confused. Got Samuels death certificate today. He died in the Marrickville Home of Peace. Usual residence was 232 Miller st. North Sydney. Home of his son Louis. However, it says he was born in Kiev not Charkov (Kharkiv) as it sates on his naturalisation papers.
He was cremated at the Northern Suburbs Crematorium on 18 October 1939.