McGrory New Zealand

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McGrory New Zealand

Post by nelmit » Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:42 pm

Trying to help a couple who are on a months holiday in Scotland from New Zealand(about 2 weeks left) .

I managed to find some info from the NZ bmd index. Alexander McGrory married Sarah Mallon in 1914. I also got a rough age for them from the death index. From some of the info the couple gave me I've managed to trace Alexander in Scotland to 1901. I think I have Sarah in Scotland but until they view the marriage entry I can't be sure.

What I wondered was .......are there any immigration records or passenger lists for New Zealand in the early 1900s.

Or maybe somebody has access to obituaries or death notices that might help.

Alexander died in 1951 and Sarah in 1971 - from the index.


Montrose Budie
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Re: McGrory New Zealand

Post by Montrose Budie » Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:31 pm

I seem to recall that there are NZ immigration records for this period.

But there are also the BT27 outgoing UK passenger lists.

The only matching hit for an Alex McGRORY shows him on Shaw Savill's SS Ionic out of London in 1909, heading for Wellington, a miner, age unknown.

There's no matching BT27 record for Sarah, or a MALLON family, heading for NZ, but note that the online BT27 records only start in 1890; never mind that it was far from uncommon for someone to emigrate first to Australia or N America, and then onwards to NZ.

There are 3 Scottish birth records for a Sarah MALLON of the likely age for a 1914 marriage; Bothwell, Paisley, and Glasgow Anderston; plus a Sarah Ann, Greenock; a Sarah Jane, Cadder; and another Sarah Jane, Old Monkland.

Where was Alexander living in 1901 and what was his age?

I can only see two in the County of Lanark, - 1901, Alex, aged 14 in Eastwood, and Alexander, aged 11, in Dennistoun.

In the rest of Scotland there's only another two of the right age for a 1914 marriage in NZ, in Cumbernauld and Linwood.


Montrose Budie
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Re: McGrory New Zealand

Post by Montrose Budie » Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:42 pm


There is a "Miss MALLEN", also on the SS Ionic, departing from Plymouth, for Wellington, on 25Aug1906, no age or occupation given.


Montrose Budie
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Re: McGrory New Zealand

Post by Montrose Budie » Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:57 pm

And there's just four likely births of an Alex[ander] McGRORY, - in Lasswade, Paisley, and two in Dennistoun.

But then, that's without considering spelling variants of McGRORY, which considerably increases that number .....


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Re: McGrory New Zealand

Post by nelmit » Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:06 pm

Here is Alexander in 1901 at Cumbernauld -

William Mcgrory 46
Mary Ann Mcgrory 43
Thomas Mcgrory 19
Alexr Mcgrory 18 miner, born Lasswade, Midlothian
Jane Mcgrory 14
Frances Mcgrory 11
Elisabeth Mcgrory 12
Mary Ann Mcgrory 11
Catherine Mcgrory 9
William Mcgrory 7

My reason for being pretty sure I have the right one is there are also corresponding deaths indexed in New Zealand of a William, Mary Ann (McGeachy etc) and Thomas. I have followed this family back to the marriage of William and Mary Anne and before.

I think this could be Sarah because the couple thought somebody in the family came from Pollokshields and this Sarah's age is spot on with the death I found. I haven't pursued this family as I don't have enough info.

1901 Pollokshaws -

John Mallon 43
Ellen Mallon 30
Sarah Mallon 14 born Pollokshaws
Mary Mallon 11
John Mallon 8
Francis Mallon 5

Alexander McGrory is listed on the 1914 voters list at Aukland.


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Re: McGrory New Zealand

Post by nelmit » Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:24 am

Thanks to mb I had a look at the FMP index (never thought of trying that before) and can see that in 1923 there was a William born 1864, a female born 1865, Mary born 1893, and Catherine born 1894 travelling from Southampton to Wellington.
The 2 girls ages match with the 1901 census at Cumbernauld but William's is about 10 years out as is the un-named female.

If anybody has access could they check and see if these McGrorys were travelling together and if it gives any extra info?


Montrose Budie
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Re: McGrory New Zealand

Post by Montrose Budie » Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:34 am

Hi Annette

Apart from Catherine they're all on the same page but not all listed together, but all showing the same address in Scotland, as do the McFADYEN family, father also a miner, with whom Wm and Agnes are listed. Catherine's separate listing on another page also shows the Drumglass Cottage, Croy address. Apart from this and age, occupation, if any, is also shown.

Remind me by PM of your email address and I'll send you the images.

More later on MALLON, - a remarriage complicated matters.


Montrose Budie
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Re: McGrory New Zealand

Post by Montrose Budie » Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:44 pm

As regards McGRO[A]RY now that we know that the whole family later went out to Aotearoa, the couple with whom you are in contact may well have a few cousins there !

Likewise, there could well be a good few MALLON cousins in Scotland. Searching forward for such cousins in the Scottish records is quite straightforward, given the info in the various censuses.

On the MALLON line the 1901 census is a bit misleading as the Ellen shown as the wife of John MALLON is not the mother of Sarah, since John's first wife Agnes O'Neil departed this mortal coil in 1893. John then remarried to Ellen BRYCELAND in 1895.

From the 1911 census, in Pollokshaws, there were 7 children to this second marriage, but only two living in 1911.

John, or whoever filled in the 1891, 1901 and 1901 census forms wasn't that consistent. For example, Sarah was not born in Pollokshaws, but in Bothwell in May 1886. Her younger sister Mary was born in Pollokshaws, and the family are in Pollockshaws at the time of the 1911 census.

The one consistent thing is that John MALLON was born in Ireland.

The 1884 marriage record of John MALLON and Agnes O'NEILL is rather difficult to read, and I'd be guessing if I wrote the names of the parents here. John's 1911 death, however, clearly shows his parents as Owen MALLON, Jobbing Gardener, and Mary MALLON MS SPELLMAN. The cause of death was enteric fever aka typhoid.

There's no trace of a death for father Owen in the Scottish records, but there is the potentially very interesting death record, - 1924, Owen MULLAN, aged 64 in Coatbridge/Old Monkland, - a brother of John ?

Agnes O'NEIL's parents were David O'NEIL and Sarah O'NEILL MS CUBITT. Sarah died aged 70, a widow, in Coatbridge, showing her parents. David's death record will be somewhere in the vicinity, which it is, but his son, who registered the death couldn't recall his grannie's name, just that of his grandpa.

The 1871 census shows that both David and Sarah were born in Ireland; so that that the 'Scottish' roots in this case turn out to be predominantly Irish !

Obviously there may well be MALLON cousins living in Scotland, and see my comment above regarding the relative ease of tracing forward to living MALLON cousins...........


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Re: McGrory New Zealand

Post by Currie » Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:46 am

Auckland Council Cemetery Records ... etery.html

Details: died 24-08-1951: aged 69
Place: Waikaraka
Location: Area 5 Block B Lot No 857

Details: F: died 24-03-1971: aged 84
Place: Waikaraka
Location: Area 5 Block B Lot No 857


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Re: McGrory New Zealand

Post by nelmit » Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:59 pm

Excellent Allan - thanks a lot.

It inspired me to look for McGrory deaths at Gisborne where I had seen a Mary Anne and a William on the electoral rolls. I found Mary Anne's burial record at

New Zealand indexes are great!
