Brisbane (Australia) Edward Greig

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Brisbane (Australia) Edward Greig

Post by scottanderson66 » Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:15 am

Hi folks,

I wonder if anyone can give me any advice on where to look next for my uncle's final resting place or what happened to him. (edward greig born glasgow 1916)

he went to Australia in 1961, he was a merchant seaman and it is unknown if he travelled as a crew member or fair paying passenger. (there have been suggestions he jumped ship)

i have contacted national archives for his seamans pouch although i don't believe this will shed any light on what happened to him.

in 1970/71 his son (my cousin) edward greig jnr went out to brisbane australia in search of him, in february 1974 edward jnr tragically drowned saving the life of a child and is interred at mount gravvat cemetery in brisbane.

i have trawled many many records etc to no avail, could anyone please advise on whre to look next.


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Re: Brisbane (Australia) Edward Greig

Post by trish1 » Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:18 am

Hi Scott

Welcome to [talkingscot]

If you are his closest relative - you could apply to all or any of the Australian registry offices to check for his death registration. There are rules related to who can do this - If there is a sibling of the brother who was killed that person would have to be the one to apply. Given that the son was searching in Queensland, this may be the first state to check. ... -marriages

There is an Edward Reed Greig died in Victoria 1980 aged 64 (born c. 1916) parents given as Frederick Ho and Bessie - if this is a possible this death certificate can be downloaded - ref 09293 ... chaseImage (looking on the electoral rolls this man is listed as a "manager" and was on the roll in 1954 - so seems unlikely).


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Re: Brisbane (Australia) Edward Greig

Post by scottanderson66 » Wed Jul 04, 2012 3:18 pm

Thanks Trish,

for the speedy reply.

the Edward Greig concerned had no middle name.

one line that I am looking at is that he jumped ship whilst in Australia, he was a merchant seaman.

I am trying also to find out if the Australian authorities were informed by shipping companies of a failure to return to ship by seaman and if so are records kept about what port this happened and in particular 1961

It seems his son had some sort of lead and that's why he went to Australia, it's a sad story as whilst in Australia Edward Jnr drowned the month following the Brisbane floods in 1974.

If you could think of anything I would really appreciate it.


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Re: Brisbane (Australia) Edward Greig

Post by Currie » Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:07 pm

Hello Scott,

The Ryerson Newspaper Death Index ( ) has two possible Edward Greig deaths, one in 1974, the other in 2002. (The 2002 one was GREIGEdwardDeath notice14JAN2002Death Herald Sun (Melbourne)18JAN2002)

The 1974 one was in the Sydney Morning Herald on 10 June.
GREIGEdwardDeath notice07JUN1974Death late of RozelleSydney Morning Herald10JUN1974

Death Notice. ... -Greig.jpg

Funeral notice was on 14 June. ... -Greig.jpg

In New South Wales BDM ( ... ent=births ) there’s his index entry.

The parent’s name columns are empty, which usually means they were unknown to the informant. In that situation the age at death is usually inserted, in this case presumably 58.

1 National Street, Rozelle, appears to be the little green shop on the corner of the lane with Queen Bee, or something, on the hanging sign. ... ,1.18&z=20

Maybe it’s him?


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Re: Brisbane (Australia) Edward Greig

Post by scottanderson66 » Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:00 pm


that's magnificent...the second one in Rozelle looks like a possible, maybe at the age of 58 four months after his son passed something has happened, this would match in with his 1916 DOB

I presume that by ordering the death certificate it may shed light on cause of death etc, informant etc.


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Re: Brisbane (Australia) Edward Greig

Post by trish1 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:24 am

Hi Scott

Alan always finds the good information. The address of 1 national Street is on both notices that Alan posted. From the 2nd notice, he was cremated at Rookwood which I believe is the biggest cemetery in the Southern part of the world. I can't find an online search for the crematorium - - but it is quite possible that his ashes were scattered without a memorial.
This is the main Rookwood site - ... -rookwood/ which links to the others.

You may get more information from the death certificate. You can buy same through a direct link on the index that Alan referenced - or a cheaper option is to get a transcript ... ptionAgent
Providing the informant had the information - this is what is on a NSW death certificate (taken from a more recent one - there could be minor variations in 1974)

Date of Death
Place of Death
Sex and Age
Place of Birth
Period of Residence in Australia
Usual Place of Residence
Usual occupation
marital status at date of death
Place of Marriage
Age when married
Name of Spouse
Children - in order of birth - names and ages
Fathers name
Mothers name & maiden name
Cause of death & duration of last illness
Certifiying medical officer or Coroner
Burial or Cremation details
Informant - name & address
relationship to deceased


PS I live in Brisbane - the 1974 floods were somewhat traumatic as there was not a lot of warning. Seems very sad to have coped with the floods and later drowned.

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Re: Brisbane (Australia) Edward Greig

Post by scottanderson66 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:36 am

thanks trish, what is even more tragic is that my cousin Edward Greig Jnr that drowned in 1974 whilst looking for his dad Edward Greig Snr in Australia had just a few years earlier lost his Uncle Colin Greg (Edward Snr's brother) due to drowning in the River Clyde in Glasgow aged 46.

The good part is that Edward Jnr saved the life of a young girl who got swept away in a fast moving river and got her to shore, sadly he did not make it.

I will give this a try,



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Re: Brisbane (Australia) Edward Greig

Post by scottanderson66 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:44 pm

alan, trish,

thanks for all of your help.

i am going to use one of the transcription agents listed on the website but without getting ahead of myself let's say it is him and the informant was a wife, is it possible to then get a copy of the marriage certificate to then trace if any children were born, on checking the NSW website it says you can only search up to 1961, given he only went to Austalia in 1961 then it will not show up.

that is similar to how we work online queries in Scotland, however if you visit the main offices in person you can get access to all records as they are public, is it the same in NSW.

also if either of you need research done here in Scotland then please feel free to ask.



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Re: Brisbane (Australia) Edward Greig

Post by trish1 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:53 am

Hi Scott

If a marriage is shown - and it was in Australia - any children of the marriage will be shown on the death certificate. (If the informant knew of the English family, they would also be on the certificate). Usually given name & age for living children, and only the number of children for any that predeceased their parent.

As far as getting a marriage certificate after 1961 - only the next of kin could do that - which would be the wife or any children of the marriage. Unlike Scotland, modern certificates are not easily available in Australia - the detail of same in NSW for a marriage is on the application form and says

Certificate entitlement
This application can only be used if the marriage occurred in NSW. If you are the bride or groom, your marriage certificate can be issued to you. If you are a child of the bride or groom, the certificate
can be issued to you if the bride and groom are deceased. If you are not a child of the bride or groom, but need to establish your legal right or entitlement, e.g. under a Will, your application will be considered. (I think legal eagles can usually get copies of certificates if they have legal reasons to need same).

The full name of his wife & when they married would be on the death certificate if the informant knew of this. Given that there was no mention of family on the death notice or on the funeral notice, I'm thinking it unlikely that he had family here - but not impossible.


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Re: Brisbane (Australia) Edward Greig

Post by scottanderson66 » Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:02 am

thanks trish,

i am using an inscription agent to get full details.

i contacted rockwood crematorium and they got back to me stating that at time of cremation edward greig list was listed as a widower, which makes it more likely as his wife died in the early 50's. they told me his ashes were not scattered until nearly five weeks after the cremation in the rose garden and no plaque or memorial was placed.

the informant at the crematorium was a mrs j mcdougal.

hopefully the certificate will reveal more but i am starting to think that this is the edward greig we are looking for.

