New Zealand Electoral Rolls

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New Zealand Electoral Rolls

Post by annie1 » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:54 am


I have just recently discovered the New Zealand electoral rolls on Ancestry and was delighted to discover my gtgt Aunt on quite a few, then more relations on the later ones, everything tied in and I found out where they had all lived, but still no mention of how long she had been in the country, which was what I had been secretly hoping for!

Its been a 10year search trying to find out when she arrived in New Zealand, and I think I have checked every ships list that I can find, but with a surname of Murray, it could easily be another 10 years!! Does anyone know of other ways to find out how long she has been in the country? Any tips would be most welcome.

Working on
Rust, Brown & Reid, Aberdeen
Knowles, Murray,Stephen& Mackie, Kincardine
Doig, Reid, Wilson & Keddie, Fife

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Re: New Zealand Electoral Rolls

Post by Currie » Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:19 am

Hello Ann,

New Zealand death certificates since 1875 have recorded how long in NZ. If you had that information it would be a good start. https://www.bdmhistoricalrecords.dia.go ... death.aspx

Sometimes you can get clues by searching for the name on PapersPast.

FamilySearch and AncestorsOnBoard (FMP) have lists but perhaps you’ve already been there.

If she doesn't appear where she should, maybe she went to another country first, maybe Australia?

All the best,

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Re: New Zealand Electoral Rolls

Post by annie1 » Sat Aug 18, 2012 5:59 pm

Hi Alan

Thank you for those links, I was told that a death certificate would state how many years she had been in New Zealand for, so I might bite the bullet and go for this.

I always forget how much newspapers can help, so will also be having a look at that one.

Many thanks
Working on
Rust, Brown & Reid, Aberdeen
Knowles, Murray,Stephen& Mackie, Kincardine
Doig, Reid, Wilson & Keddie, Fife

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Re: New Zealand Electoral Rolls

Post by Alan SHARP » Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:52 pm


I would agree with my name sake across the ditch. Electoral rolls in NZ are good because we were the first to give women the vote. You don’t give a time frame other than Gt Gt Aunt. In all probability she was in NZ long before the women got the vote. As you have found an address for her once voting started, I would suggest as well as Papers Past searches, you approach the local Library or Museum's local history section. It is surprising what material they hold, and not all, is readily available via internet searches.

If they are to busy to reply in a short space of time, there are people interested in their local history, who will offer assistance with look-ups in the local, once they know someone has a request.

Very few people emigrated to NZ on their own. They came out as couples and families, OR out to existing connections from home. Broaden your search to other family and surnames that may have been connected, and see if that way you can get a hit.

All the best.