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TalkingScot has been set up as a meeting place for people with an interest in Scottish genealogy, history and culture.

In the finest Scottish tradition, we extend a welcome to all, and ask you to join us. If you wish to post, then you must register as a member. If you wish merely to browse, please look around.

Many of our members are acknowledged experts in their fields, and are able to offer advice and assistance. Many are newcomers, looking for a little help in their quest to trace their ancestry. And some just pop in to have a chat, and read the stories.

To use the full range of TalkingScot services, please use the links above.
Forum: Talk to the members of TalkingScot.
Gallery: Upload, view or download pictures.
Societies: Family History Societies.
Sources: Valuable sources of genealogical data.
Libraries: Places where you can find useful information.
Registrar: Registration Districts in Scotland.
Census: A concise explanation of the Census in Scotland.

Carrbridge Packhorse Bridge photograph by Andrew Paterson, Falkirk Wheel photograph by Wilma Marshall