sheilajim wrote:.....quote............With the controls to my computer frozen, I did what anyone would do. I turned it off at the switch and pulled the plug. I left it off for about five minutes, and started it again, immediately running the virus scan. McAfee deleted about 10 worms, which it labeled mischievous. Luckily that was all there was to it, no permanent damage to my computer, but it did give me a fright. Apparently the worm was designed to shock, not to ruin a computer.
Hi Sheila
You are very fortunate, as there's a category of absolute and complete numpties out there who don't stop at shocking you, but obtain their extremely sad form of enjoyment by trashing your hard disk

, or taking control of your 'puter, and using it as a "slave", or, even worse, installing software on your 'puter, which allows them, via the sites accessed and the keys pressed, to learn and use your passwords........
A lot can be done to stop them in their tracks by running an anti-virus, anti-worm, anti-Trojan package such as Norton or McAfee, - probably the two most well known paid for packages, - or AVG, - one of the top free packages; but whatever such package is used, it's only as good as the way that it's set up on your 'puter.
In other words, the setup
must involve frequent, preferably daily full checks of your system, and
automatic updates of the virus/worm/trojan data files from Norton, McAfee, AVG, etc., etc., along with a "firewall".
Sometimes this can be a drag, especially if the automatic system checks, and updates haven't been automated, and the firewall creates some problems, but, believe me, please, any such hassle, including sometimes the need to reinstall the software involved, just pales into insignificance compared to the "loss" of your hard-disk, however good have been your back-up procedures, - but that's another subject !!! ..................
Sometimes also, this whole process can be a drag in terms of the manner in which the virus programme checking procedures can slow down the overall performance of your 'puter; to which my standard response is, - "what do you want?, - a virus free 'puter, - or potential major problems?!?! ..........."
Norton and McAfee, as do other packages, have a firewall facility, including the facility to check incoming emails, so that any problem attachment can be zapped; and will also prevent access to your computer by known worms and Trojans, most especially a potential problem if you have a broadband connection, so that you are permanently "broadcasting" your computer's IP address to the www
Again, packages such as Norton and McAfee will virus check any WordDoc or similar file before it is loaded on your 'puter ..........
In other words, please, please take the time, money (if required!), and effort required to install a fully featured anti-virus/worm/trojan package that also includes a fire wall !! ........