This should have been a 5 minute job but I've been at this all morning (snowed in here! ) on both Ancestry and the 1901 site...I must be doing something silly...
Looking for:
- John Breese, b. June quarter 1861, Dudley, Worcestershire
He appears to be in the 1881:
84 Gt Barr St, Aston, Warwick, England
John BREESE Head U Male 19 Dudley, Worcester, England Grocer
Alfred LIGHT Servant U Male 20 Berkeley, Gloucester, England Grocer Assistant
Ann CHESLIN Servant U Female 31 Belball, Warwick, England House Keeper (Dom)
He married Sarah Morey, March Quarter 1896, King's Norton (date and place of birth unknown, thought 1901 would be a big help there... )
The eldest daughter was known as "May", so this looks likely
Florence May Breese, b. Dec Quarter 1896, Kings Norton, Worcestershire
Definite child: Winifred Breese, b. September quarter 1899 (July 29th) Kings Norton, Worcestershire (who you'd think would be very easy to find...)
All children survived to adulthood, so in 1901 there should be the above two daughters.
Two further children, twins born in 1901, September quarter, so they are after the 1901 census, also b. Kings Norton, Worcestershire so that suggests that this family should be in Kings Norton, Worcestershire area... but can I find them??
Any suggestions as to why I can't find them, or where they are, most gratefully received!
Best wishes