Gray family in Nyasaland [now Malawi]

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Gray family in Nyasaland [now Malawi]

Post by doun » Fri Jul 15, 2011 4:26 am

:) Anyone know of a Gray Family in Nyasaland? James Gray, born 10 Sep 1873, Callander, Perthshire, Scotland. sometime worked for British South Africa Co, as a Clerk in Durban, Natal Province; then in Nyasaland; BSAC have no records available, as the company is now defunct, Its successor is "MANDALA" and correspondence with them was very helpful, but unremarkable, they have no records, and there was an old employee, living at the time [about 8 years ago] who remembered the family, correspondence with this person, was vague recolations of Hilda Gray, wife of James or I should say Widow of James.
James Gray, was sent to Hospital in London, as he had a mystery illness, and died in London in 1927
Children to James and Hilda; William James, born 1907 in Durban Natal Province;; Andrew, born 1909 & D1910
James Anderson, b 1911in Nyasaland, and finally John Edward, born 191x, in Wales

William James Gray, attended University in Scotland and became a veterinary Surgeon, worked in New Zealand, Tanganyika, <german East Africa>, then Nyasaland <Malawi> before rfeturning to England.

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Re: Gray family in Nyasaland [now Malawi]

Post by SarahND » Sat Dec 10, 2011 11:14 pm

Hello doun and [TS_welcome]
Sorry not to answer your post sooner... I'm hoping, by bringing it to the top, that someone else will come along who knows something about your family. I knew a Nelson Gray who grew up in Angola and was a friend of my father and aunt, but that's about as close as I come to this one! :lol: Any luck since you posted?

All the best,

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Re: Gray family in Nyasaland [now Malawi]

Post by Alan SHARP » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:28 pm

Greetings doun, from New Zealand.

I've had a quick simple search of the name William James GRAY on our two primary search sites but found nothing that looked of interest to me. You state that he was active as a Vet while in New Zealand. Most the hits in PP was to do with a Hotel Keeper in Taranaki.


PapersPast. Search / William James GRAY ... +Gray%22--

Fatal Accident. ... mes+Gray--

Archway. Search / William James GRAY ... mes%20gray