Auflick/Afflick/Auchenlech etc

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Auflick/Afflick/Auchenlech etc

Post by JeanGris » Tue May 05, 2009 3:54 pm

Hello Everyone
I posted a while ago re one of my Ancestors - Andrew Affleck, bn c1760, and his wife Ann.
I have looked through all the parish registers for Andrew and Ann in Durham and Northumberland as they were living here in the 1780s - not IGI but parish registers on microfiche, and there does not seem to be a marriage in Durham nor Northumberland, and I have also checked IGI (family search) for anywhere else in the UK, no Andrew nor Ann are showing a marriage so I really do think that they might have travelled from Scotland to Durham soon after they married.
Andrew and Ann had four children -

Andrew bap 1786, Lamesley, Chester le Street, Durham - I have traced him through censuses and marriage, and his death down the Coal Pits in Durham - explosion.

James bap Jan 25 Jan 1788, Fatfield, Nr Biddick, Durham son of Andrew Auflick, Pitman and Ann his wife, residence Fatfield
He died Penshaw, Durham 1795, and was buried 12 Jul 1795, Penshaw. Burial records from Parish registers and Bishop's Transcripts.

John who was baptised 4 Apr 1790 son of Andrew Auflick, Pitman and Ann his wife, Fatfield, Durham. Burial records from parish registers 24 Feb 1798, son of Andrew and Ann D???, place Penshaw, Durham native of Lambton. From this record I now have a name of his wife, and at first from looking at the parish registers that it was Dawes, but this name is not really heard of in Durham, coming from the South of England - I then looked at Bishop's Transcripts and it looks on there more like Duers, Duwers?
William Affleck was baptised 1793, and I have traced him also through his marriage and all the censuses.

From my searches in Scotland, there were two baps of an Andrew Affleck around that time, Andrew bap 22.7.1760, father John and mother Helen Young, Hownam, Roxburgh (from the Fleckie gypsies), and an Andrew Affleck bn 7.1.1762 s.o. Andrew Affleck a Castle Soldier, in New Gray Friars parish and Isobel Neilson. Searches show that in Scotlands People a marriage of an Andrew Affleck, Cooper in Leith, to an Ann Jameson, resident in Leigh, daughter of Alexander Jameson in 1783. I initially thought that this was my man, only to find that my Andrew had a son earlier than this in Durham!! Later baps on IGI would make my Andrew too young to have married.

If anyone can point me in the right direction I would be so grateful. I do have a daughter living in Edinburgh (Morningside), so could easily stay up there and go to the new Records Office in Prince's Street, but wondered if I am missing something, that there are more records, as I am sure there are more than the above Andrew Afflecks bap in Scotland around the 1760 period.
Any help appreciated, many thanks, Jean :D

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Post by LesleyB » Tue May 05, 2009 5:12 pm

Hi Jean

Have you considered that the family may not have been Church of Scotland, so may not show in the OPRs?

The baptisms you mention in Durham - which church do they take place in? e.g. if the family are Church of England, they may have attended an Episcopal Church in Scotland. Do you have a connection that suggests they were from Scotland originally? There are many Afflecks listed on the wills on SP - maybe worth a browse just to see if any look interesting.

Also a search of the NAS catalogue at may be worthwhile, again, just incase there is anything interesting showing up. If you find anything which looks promising, NAS is just next door to NRH in Princes Street.

On SP there is also this one, a little older than you have suggested, but who knows?
14/04/1744 AFLECK ANDREW parents: JOHN AFLECK and MARGARET DICK born in Liberton parish, Midlothian.
Searches show that in Scotlands People a marriage of an Andrew Affleck, Cooper in Leith, to an Ann Jameson, resident in Leigh, daughter of Alexander Jameson in 1783.
I'm seeing this marriage on SP as having occured in 1793, so much later than your chap's children's baptisms.

I'm sure you will have already seen this one on IGI, perhaps a bit too early and not really in an expected locaiton either:
Marriage: 03 NOV 1768 Catton Near York, Yorkshire, England

Any chance the name may also turn up as Fleck?
IGI has (extract)
Marriage: 29 MAY 1776 Filey, Yorkshire, England

Best wishes

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Post by JeanGris » Tue May 05, 2009 7:48 pm

Hello Lesley
Thank you so much for your quick response. You have given me a few leads to follow!
With the Scottish records I have looked at Scotlands People and also IGI (familysearch) for Andrew and also Ann. With the British search I have checked original PRs and BTs - mostly conformist, but I have also checked some (but not all) non-conformist churches, thinking if they were Scottish they could be Presbyterian, Methodists etc.
The reason I thought they may have come from Scotland is that in the burial details of one of their sons his name was spelt Aufenleck, which I assumed (rightly or wrongly) was the Scottish spelling?
The baptims in Durham were in CofE for 2 of the children, the other two children I could not find any baps in Durham, but did find the burials of two of the boys again in CofE. A check of the area where they were (Durham) right back to the early 1700s do not show any Afflecks so they must have moved into the area, and I presumed from Scotland.
There were one or two Afflecks in Northumberland (Newcastle) around this time but I have traced them all, and none lead back to my Andrew.
I'll take a look at the website you mentioned and also the other marriages you mention. I have tended to concentrate thinking they came from Scotland, but anything goes with some of our ancestors doesn't it :shock:
I'll let you know how I go on. Many thanks again for your time and response, best wishes Jean

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Re: Auflick/Afflick/Auchenlech etc

Post by andoline » Sat Mar 11, 2017 6:31 am

Hi Jean , My name is Andrew Affleck from Newcastle NSW I think my linage is from John Fleckie as well my great grandfather was Thomas Auflick 1855
son of Dorothy Affleck his grandfather was William Affleck born 1793 North Biddick. I was reading about a Lussha Fleckie not sure who he is ? Did you find anything else about Andrew Affleck 1760
